Tuesday, 26 July 2011

PROBE International Conference October 2011

PROBE 01 - 02 October 2011 Conference

UK Probe International are based in Blackpool, Lancashire in the North West of England.

UK Probe International holds two main conferences per year, a two day event in both October & March. Speakers come from around the world to speak at Probe International's UK conferences and cover many subjects including Ufology, Cropcircles, Paranormal, Phonomena & much much more...

Saturday 1st October 2011

The Philadelphia Experiment the story behind “Project Invisibility”. 
In 1943- A “Destroyer” at the Philadelphia Naval Yard was made to disappear for several minutes during the Electronic Camouflage Experiment. It involved “High Intensified Magnetic Field” Where the Crewe either fell ill or went mad or died, and in some cases – some of the Crewe were said to have been propelled into  other dimensions inhabited by ‘Strange Beings’ and of course  it was said that the experiment never took place!...So was it a Hoax? Or ‘Did it happen?’
Brian’s talk will explore this incredible story. A most informative talk from Brian as always…

Researcher & electronic engineer. ‘The Hitch Hikers Guide to Ufology’.
Win doesn’t publish books or sell DVDs & very rarely gives public presentations. He is far more comfortable diving into the unknown, camera in hand, to see what is really going on & report back what he finds, - from UFO’s to Crop Circles & even Animal M utilations, he has seen common threads emerge which have profound implications for us all. In this talk he will take us on a Tour of our local OMNI-verse with photographic postcards of stops along the way to help make sense of where we are all heading next ‘This is your Rough Ride’ to the very latest in Ufology & M odern Destiny....

Alan is a writer researcher & lecturer On UFO’s, Crop Formations, Environmental & Spiritual Issues. HIS presentation today will show how World-wide UFO sightings, the ever evolving crop Formations, and increasing upheavals in the natural world affecting animals, insects, fish, trees, and weather patterns, can all be used as a barometer for the changing nature of reality itself. Ultimately helping us to adapt to this cosmic, planetary and Metaphysical transformation. A talk not to be Missed.

Jo Ann is the Executive Director OF ‘ECHOBYTE’ Magazine. Jo ann’s husband Capt Mark Richards & his Father, Ellis Lloyd Richards, were involved with top level Military Intelligence operations since WW11.

Many of these operations included on & of world contact and battles with various Aliens. ‘The EXETER Interstellar Treaty Conference’ took place in June 1961.  Prior to the conference, a unique group of children became acquainted – humans and non-humans.

Learn of their developing friendships as reported by Capt. Mark Richards (one of the human children).  Discover the fascinating sociology lessons revealed, including what kind of soda that Raptor children liked to drink 

Sunday 2nd October 2011

THREE DAYS ON A FLYING SAUCER & other cases investigated
by Mike Oram.
Mike is an author, experienced lecturer and storyteller at home and abroad. And one of his radio interviews was for some years, the number one requested tape for Local and Hospital Radio.
He is the originator, and writer of the British strip cartoon: Ben’s World &, the co-author of The Zen of Ben, a cartoon guide to Life and the Universe. Mike has written and recorded 2 Ben’s World Music CDs, which include songs & stories. His book, 'does it rain in other dimensions?' Is the story of his own personal experiences with Visitors from off – world, both as contactee & as an investigator.
It is from the latter perspective that Mike gives his talk, featuring tales from past investigations, including the experience of a man from Somerset who spent 3 days aboard an Alien Spacecraft!....

‘A Journey through Life with Other Worldly Beings’
Brenda co-author of ‘Sky Crash’ and was the first investigator on the Rendlesham UFO case in 1979. Brenda will share with you her life & journey through the years up to date- and how she met the E.T’s - This led to a life of paranormal activities, meeting people from all walks of life including ‘Reptilians’.

Brenda has been going down to Rendlesham forest since 1979 when investigation another UFO case over the forest..

In May 1978, Capt. Mark Richards was director of ‘Project Moon dust’ and deep in the world of amazing futuristic technology and ‘black ops’ secrets. In early may, a temporal espionage incident was caused by an ‘Inter dimensional Species’.
On May 6th, their craft crashed into a mountain near Tarija, Bolivia. Who was searching for it? Who were involved with the ‘New World Order’?
Learn about the ‘first contact’ with the ‘unknown species’ aboard the craft!

A Question of Belief “

DEX is a passionate Researcher & chaneller  
  • Do Prophecies come true? - Yes
  • Is there more after we have died? - Yes
  • Do Alternative Dimensions really exist? - Yes
  • Is there proof of life on other Worlds and other Dimensions? - Yes
  • I feel that ‘2012’  holds more for me personally? - Absolutely Yes 
I present this talk to you with a love and desire to complete our ‘Unified Creation’ of the world that we can truly live with the lessened nature of ‘Fear’ through knowing the truth of your experienced existence.
Our next evolutionary step must be taken with the belief structure, that life is on going no matter where our life experience of self awareness resides, and that we are Not Alone in the vastness of Creation!

UK PROBE website

Sunday, 24 July 2011

A vision of the new society rising out of the ashes of the old

The collapse of the old order is well underway and this has been covered in detail in the alternative media. We now need to turn our attention to the new society, one based on the freedom of the human spirit and harmony with all life. This is my vision of the new society, called the Tribe of the Phoenix, as it rises out of the ashes of the old order.

Our Place in the Universe

In the beginning there was source energy that wished to realise itself. It split itself up into infinite parts each imbued with consciousness. These parts aggregated together at many different levels producing many planes of reality. Each plane has its own unique characteristics and allows the universe to experience itself as a ‘continually growing fire that is pure joy’. One of these planes is the physical plane to which we are all familiar. To be born as a human in the physical plane is a rare privilege, and this plane has many levels of reality. This is best expressed as scale. At the smallest level is energy, then atoms, molecules, cells, organisms, the planet, the solar system, the galaxy and on and on unto the physical universe itself. Each level has its own set of rules and consciousness, and is a world in itself.

Mankind is part of the plane known as Gaia. If we view the planet as an organism we will see it has certain anatomical structures. The stones, minerals and inorganic material, which compose the vast majority of our planet, are like the connective tissues, bone, muscle and cartilage. This gives structure to the planet. The micro-organisms and plants, which comprise the largest section of biological life, are the major organs, skin, heart, lungs, digestive tracts, etc. These give the planet life. The animals are as the nervous system, which allows it to respond to stimuli and develop a rudimentary consciousness and rudimentary feelings. Finally, mankind, which only forms a fraction of the life on the planet, is the grey matter, the cerebral cortex. Mankind provides the higher functioning, the reasoning, the consciousness, the personality of Gaia. It is through us that the spirit of Gaia is manifest. It has been through our collective unconscious as she has been asleep, but now she awakens and enters into our collective consciousness. As individuals and as a society we breathe her spirit. Our experiences, our joys and sorrows are hers. Just as any enlightened individual will, Gaia will bring us into line, allowing us our personal freedom and encouraging us to live our bliss, but she will prevent us from harming her, or ourselves, just as a mother would a child. The challenges for living a physical existence are many, but may be summarised by the following. Experiencing individuality and separateness. Holding form for long periods of time. Mastery over the physical elements and ultimately our own energy by living an existence conditioned by physical nature, i.e. the need for food and shelter, the development of survival skills and ultimately craftsmanship. This craftsmanship is our bliss, as each of us has a unique talent to develop during our lives. This talent brings us great joy and satisfaction and enriches all of humanity and Gaia herself. Finding our talents and living them is to gain mastery of our lives.

As Gaia awakens humanity awakens. We are entering a new era, an era of co-operation, of planetary responsibility, of individual spiritual development. We are responsible for ourselves, humankind and the planet. We will work together to form a new world-order, one based on spirit and directed by Gaia herself. As we connect to her we bring her out of her slumber and she responds by connecting us to a much bigger universe. The planets are her brothers and sisters, the Sun her father. The Galaxy is her local community and is filled with much bigger, older and wiser beings than we have ever conceived. As she awakens we join this Galactic community, we gain the ability to connect to the subtle energies of galaxies, stars and nebulae and are influenced by more than just the zodiac. She acts like a giant antenna bringing in signals from across the planes of time and space, across the planes of existence. The last time she was awake was during Atlantis, and in an energetic sense, Atlantis is rising once more.

Saturday, 23 July 2011

Wandjina- Aboriginal Sky Gods

In the dreamtime stories of the Aboriginal Australians from the Kimberley region, the Wandjina were sky gods who came down from the Milky Way to help and teach mankind.  They were depicted as having large heads, large black eyes and no mouth, so resembled the Greys, but were considered completely benevolant.  In some stories they travelled in spacecraft, some were large metallic boomerangs and it is thought that the original boomerang design was inspired by these craft.   Generations of Aboriginals have kept  knowledge of the Wandjina alive by creating cave paintings. 

Wandjina Cave Painting

Zenchi, my spirit guide from Deneb
My spirit guide Zenchi is a Wandjina and it is thanks to him and my other guides that I have access to the information on the new reality and the great transition.  It was largely Zenchi who educated me about consciousness, which led to Lifeforce Harmonics and Masynchi Theory.
The site Godchecker has this description of the Wandjina:

Wallungunder- the big boss
WALLUNGUNDER, the big boss WANDJINA, came down from the Milky Way during DREAMTIMEand created the earth and all its inhabitants. Then he took one look at those inhabitants and headed back home for reinforcements. This was going to be a tricky job.
With the aid of the DREAMTIME-SNAKE, the WANDJINA descended and spent their DREAMTIMEcreating, teaching and being God-like to the natives. These Gods from the Milky Way were so powerful that they didn’t need to speak. So they didn’t bother to have mouths.
They were definite good guys, and are still worshipped and respected Top Gods to this day. (And how many deities can still say that?) Eye-witness reports are thin on the ground, but many ancient cave paintings still exist and show eerie creatures with large heads, huge black eyes and suspiciously spacesuit-like garments. In fact, they look just like Grey aliens from modern U.F.O. abduction scenarios.
Strangely enough, in 1838, a sea captain discovered an amazing treasure trove of Aboriginal artistry, filled with primitive and powerful WANDJINA cave pictures. His name was Captain Grey. Coincidence??? We can’t tell you because the Kimberley tribes are very close-mouthed, just like their WANDJINA.

A vision of the future

A vision of the future tribal society, where a priestess has developed extraordinary powers and can travel across the galaxy.