Sunday, 24 July 2011

Our Place in the Universe

In the beginning there was source energy that wished to realise itself. It split itself up into infinite parts each imbued with consciousness. These parts aggregated together at many different levels producing many planes of reality. Each plane has its own unique characteristics and allows the universe to experience itself as a ‘continually growing fire that is pure joy’. One of these planes is the physical plane to which we are all familiar. To be born as a human in the physical plane is a rare privilege, and this plane has many levels of reality. This is best expressed as scale. At the smallest level is energy, then atoms, molecules, cells, organisms, the planet, the solar system, the galaxy and on and on unto the physical universe itself. Each level has its own set of rules and consciousness, and is a world in itself.

Mankind is part of the plane known as Gaia. If we view the planet as an organism we will see it has certain anatomical structures. The stones, minerals and inorganic material, which compose the vast majority of our planet, are like the connective tissues, bone, muscle and cartilage. This gives structure to the planet. The micro-organisms and plants, which comprise the largest section of biological life, are the major organs, skin, heart, lungs, digestive tracts, etc. These give the planet life. The animals are as the nervous system, which allows it to respond to stimuli and develop a rudimentary consciousness and rudimentary feelings. Finally, mankind, which only forms a fraction of the life on the planet, is the grey matter, the cerebral cortex. Mankind provides the higher functioning, the reasoning, the consciousness, the personality of Gaia. It is through us that the spirit of Gaia is manifest. It has been through our collective unconscious as she has been asleep, but now she awakens and enters into our collective consciousness. As individuals and as a society we breathe her spirit. Our experiences, our joys and sorrows are hers. Just as any enlightened individual will, Gaia will bring us into line, allowing us our personal freedom and encouraging us to live our bliss, but she will prevent us from harming her, or ourselves, just as a mother would a child. The challenges for living a physical existence are many, but may be summarised by the following. Experiencing individuality and separateness. Holding form for long periods of time. Mastery over the physical elements and ultimately our own energy by living an existence conditioned by physical nature, i.e. the need for food and shelter, the development of survival skills and ultimately craftsmanship. This craftsmanship is our bliss, as each of us has a unique talent to develop during our lives. This talent brings us great joy and satisfaction and enriches all of humanity and Gaia herself. Finding our talents and living them is to gain mastery of our lives.

As Gaia awakens humanity awakens. We are entering a new era, an era of co-operation, of planetary responsibility, of individual spiritual development. We are responsible for ourselves, humankind and the planet. We will work together to form a new world-order, one based on spirit and directed by Gaia herself. As we connect to her we bring her out of her slumber and she responds by connecting us to a much bigger universe. The planets are her brothers and sisters, the Sun her father. The Galaxy is her local community and is filled with much bigger, older and wiser beings than we have ever conceived. As she awakens we join this Galactic community, we gain the ability to connect to the subtle energies of galaxies, stars and nebulae and are influenced by more than just the zodiac. She acts like a giant antenna bringing in signals from across the planes of time and space, across the planes of existence. The last time she was awake was during Atlantis, and in an energetic sense, Atlantis is rising once more.

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